Can I extend my brick patio and still have it look nice?
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We are often confronted with the option of removing an existing patio because it is too small and then rebuild a larger patio or just add on to the existing patio. Depending on the style and the laying pattern of the existing pavers or bricks, we may be able to extend the existing patio by just adding on as this will save you substantial money. But there are many times when it is better to start over and build the new patio to the dimensions that you want. We were able to extend a brick patio for this Ipswich Country Club family because the original bricks were installed in a running bond style so that allowed us to blur the line between the old patio and the extended portion of the patio. We were able to get matching bricks so the new patio looks like it was all built at the same time.

For information about how Artistic Landscapes can help you with your patio, walkway or driveway needs, please stop by our office on Route 1 in Rowley or call us at 978.948.2900.

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