What to do with an overgrown Rose of Sharon?
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A Rose of Sharon is a terrific flowering shrub as the plants are often covered in multi-color flowers from August 1st – October 1st.A happy Rose of Sharon will grow to 8’ – 10’ tall and 6’ – 8’ wide. Although it is a beautiful flowering shrub, they often become too big for the area where it was originally planted and you have to decide whether to prune it or remove it.
If you are wondering ‘what do I do with this Rose of Sharon that is too big’ then you may want to prune it or call us and we can take care of the pruning for you. Because the Rose of Sharon flowers in August and September, it is normally best to prune the plant anytime between November and March 1st. This plant was touching the screens of their porch in Georgetown, MA thus it was time to be reduced. We pruned this plant on April 7th but even though it was later than the ideal time to prune a summer flowering shrub, it is still better to prune then rather than waiting another year. As you can see below, we pruned a significant amount of this plant off. The plant responded very well as the following picture shows.

For information about why we try to prune all Summer flowering shrubs from August 15th to September 30th and that we prune fall flowering shrubs from December 1st to March 1st, please stop by our office at 111 Newburyport Turnpike {Route One} in Rowley, MA or call us at978.948.2900.

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