Drainage in a Patio in Newburyport
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This Newburyport family recently added a beautiful farmer's porch to their house. The homeowners wanted access from their driveway to the front porch. We installed a 3' deep solid granite landing as their step from the patio up to the porch. Because of the change in grade between the driveway, the porch and the entry door, the patio had to be built sloped towards the house. You never want to bring water towards the house but in this case, it was required. In our attempt to protect the basement from absorbing water, we installed a 5" wide NDS drainage channel between the patio and the house. The drainage channel should receive any water that flows towards the house and will then empty into a 4" drainage pipe that flows out into a dry well in the front yard. We believe these extra precautions will allow keep the interior dry while providing a safe transition between the driveway, front porch and entry.

For information about how Artistic Landscapes can help you with your drainage issues, please call Tony at 978.948.2900 or stop by our Offices on Route One (111 Newburyport Turnpike) in Rowley, MA.

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