How are granite steps built?
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We are often asked how we build granite steps since you may be able to see three sides of the steps and most people want to make sure that their new steps will look great from every angle. We normally build the steps by digging a footing that extends below the frost line to ensure that the steps do not move. Once the footing is prepared, then we install the granite steps.
We normally install the lowest step first then we install granite fillers from the back of this first step to the house or porch. The granite fillers are only 6" wide so they provide stability without the cost of a whole step. We don't believe a whole step is needed to go back to the house or porch because most of the step would be covered by the granite steps that will be installed on top. In this instance, we have the lower step followed by a landing that is 4' wide and 3' deep. The landing is resting on the lower step and supported by the filler pieces. We believe this is an economical way to build steps that are structurally strong and look beautiful.

For information about how Artistic Landscapes can help you with your steps or walkways, please stop by our Offices on Route One (111 Newburyport Turnpike) in Rowley, MA or call Tony at 978.948.2900.

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