Natural Stone Front Steps with Granite Treads
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This Haverhill family loved the idea of natural stone steps but wanted strong, sure footing stones for the top (treads) of each step. So, we showed them a variety of stones that we could build the risers (the part of the steps that is vertical) with and they liked the combination of gray and tan stones. Once we had those stones selected then the homeowner saw the tan particles in the Caledonia granite. We built the top of each step with the Caledonia granite.
We decided to include several vertical pieces of granite closer to the house and one solid piece of granite across the front of the top landing. We believe this added some more interest to the steps and was in proportion to the house (one big slab of granite felt like it would be too heavy/big for that step).
The following picture shows the prior set of steps. Note that the bottom step is wider than the top landing. Because the homeowner liked that detail, we built the new steps to have those same dimensions.

For information about how Artistic Landscapes can build you steps into your house or within your yard, please call us at 978.948.2900 or stop by our Office on Route One (111 Newburyport Turnpike) in Rowley, MA.

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