Pruning Grape Vines in Newbury, MA
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This Newbury, MA family has more than 10 grape vines growing in their backyard. These homegrown grapes make terrific table grapes (they are not for wine). This is our first year providing garden maintenance for the vines. We look forward to pruning the vines for years to come resulting in better tasting and higher yields. As you can see from the pictures, we pruned about 90% of the vines and left just a few young canes.

For information about how Artistic Landscapes can help you with your pruning, please call us at 978.948.2900.
Artistic Landscapes LLC will be happy to help you get caught up on your pruning or weeding so that your plants stay healthy. Please call (978) 948-2900 or email us at Tony@Artistic-Landscapes.com for more information about how we can help you.

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