Natural Stone Walkway in Ipswich, MA
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This Ipswich, MA family wanted to replace their front walkway. After 20 years, the old walkway was showing its age and often had icy patches each winter. This family wanted a contemporary look with nice, clean lines and larger stones. They selected Unilock’s Indian Coast natural sandstone tiles. We built the walkway with vertical seams to help create the Contemporary look that our client wanted. The seams continue up the risers of the steps since we used these same natural stones for the risers.
This is the original walkway.

We addressed the icy patches by increasing the pitch of the walkway and removing one step. The old walkway had five steps with each step being about a 5 ½” step while the walkway was almost perfectly flat. Our new walkway includes four steps that are each about 7” (we like the 7” step as that is consistent with the wooden steps that continue past the paver walkway area) and we sloped the walkway so that water will flow away from the house. By making these changes, we believe we will be able to mitigate the amount of ice that accumulates on the walkway this winter.

For information about how Artistic Landscapes LLC can helpyou get a patio, walkway, paver driveway or retaining walls that you wantplease stop by our office at 111 Newburyport Turnpike {Route One} in Rowley, MAor call us at 978.948.2900. While you are at our Office, please look at all ofthe samples that we have on display. Our display includes 10 parking spacesthat reflect potential paver patterns and styles, we have an outdoor kitchenthat includes several samples of exterior grade porcelain tiles as well asother Unilock pavers.

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