Patio and Grilling Area in Medford, MA
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This Medford, MA family asked Artistic Landscapes for our help in designing a backyard for them that will look much better than what they have had and have a more defined purpose. Their goals were to have patio space for a large table and some chairs/lounges, a vegetable garden, a lawn and a space that they can use to turn a vehicle around.
We designed their backyard by using Unilock's U-Cara wall stones as these wallstones have a similar feel and look as their house foundation. The wall was built so that they could have a long garden area which they plan on using as a vegetable and herb garden. We made an alcove to allow for the grill to be located. This alcove is sort of a mini-outdoor kitchen area and allows for more flexibility in the main part of the patio. The patio was built with Unilock's Treo style pavers and Courtstone pavers as a border (the boldness in the color of the Courtstone help define the patio even further). In between the patio and the retaining wall, we planted sod.
The client has been enjoying their patio and grill space so much that they have not built the pergola that we installed footings for.

For information about how Artistic Landscapes can help you with your patio, driveway and landscaping needs, please visit our office at 111 Newburyport Turnpike (Route One), Rowley or call Tony at 978.948.2900.

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