The Importance of Drainage
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We believe one of the keys to building a strong retaining wall and patio is to provide an appropriate drainage system. We typically install underground drainage pipes every time that a downspout is near our wall or patio. The drainage pipes will carry water past our work and empty into either an open area or into an underground dry well. The dry well is filled with crushed stone and lined with soil separation fabric.
The types of drainage pipes that we use vary depending on the site and the location of the pipes. For instance, the drainage pipe that we installed in front of our retaining wall is different pipe than the pipe that we used to carry water under our patio. In this project, we did not install any perforated pipes related to the downspout disposal as we wanted to bring all of the water into the dry well.

For information about how Artistic Landscapes can help solve your drainage issues or to have us build you the patio and/or retaining wall of your dreams, please stop by our Office on Route One (111 Newburyport Turnpike) in Rowley, MA. or call us at 978.948.2900.
Artistic Landscapes LLC is ready to help you start planning your landscaping updates or transformation. We recommend calling or emailing us months before you want the finished project as we are often scheduling 3 - 4 months out. Please call (978) 948-2900 or email us at Tony@Artistic-Landscapes.com to get the planning phase started. We are able to design your yard even if there is snow and ice on the ground but we do not have much time to work on designs in April & May as we are working on the projects that we designed over the winter.

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