Light at a Driveway Entrance
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There are times when someone wants light at the beginning of their driveway but they don't have a post to install the light onto. The common thought is that you can not have light in that area because a plow or snowblower is going to destroy the light fixtures if you place them in the ground or you are going to be blinded from the landscape lights when you drive in or out of your property.Often times, we install lights up in trees and have them provide downlighting onto the driveway. The benefit of installing the lights up in trees is that the fixtures will not be damaged by snow removal equipment and you should not see the light source when you drive in or out of your property because we will have installed the light fixtures in areas that are out of sight.For this Beverly family, we have some accent lights facing away from the driveway opening so that drivers will not be impacted by lights shining at them but these lights help accentuate the opening to the driveway. The asphalt area of the driveway is downlit from four lights that we installed up in the trees that are near the driveway.

For information about how Artistic Landscapes LLC can help you get the landscape lighting system that you want, please stop by our Office at 111 Newburyport Turnpike (Route One), Rowley, MA or call Tony at 978.948.2900.

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